program aic_main !*************************************************************************** ! FORTRAN90 code (coded by Guodong Li) ! File: aic_new.f90 ! ! Simulation experiment 2 in Biometrika paper Li and Li (2011). ! ! Phi =0 (size); Phi \neq 0 (power) ! Model: SETARMA(2;1,1,1,1) with delay d=1 ! ! Reference: ! Li, G. and Li, W.K. (2011). ! Testing a linear time series model against its ! threshold extension. Biometrika, 98(1), 243-250. ! DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asq074. ! ! IMSL (double precision) subroutines: ! DRLSE (Fits a multiple linear regression using LS) ! DLINDS (Computes the inverse of a real symmetric positive definite matrix) ! dEQTIL (compute empirical quantiles) ! drnnor (Generate pseudorandom numbers from a standard normal distribution ! using an inverse CDF method) ! rnset (Initialize a random seed for use in the IMSL randomnumber ! generators) ! drnun (Generate pseudorandom numbers from a uniform (0,1) distribution) !***************************************************************************** USE imsl IMPlICIT NONE integer,parameter::offset=200,n=200,replication=1200,Bootstrap=1000,pp=10 real*8 innovation((n+offset)*replication),e(n+offset),x(n+offset) real*8 y(n) real*8 like0,like1,temp real*8 dist(Bootstrap*n),diss(n),test_star(bootstrap)!,fisher0(2,2) real*8 test_s(replication) !,test_s1(replication) integer NMISS,count,inde(replication) real*8 QPROP(2), Q(2), XLO(2), XHI(2),p_value(replication) integer i,iseed,time,repl,distribution,error_index,j,ii,jj real*8 psi0,phi0 real*8 yy(n-pp),xx(n-pp,pp),b(pp),sst,sse,aic,aic1,r,b1(2*pp) real*8 xx1(n-pp,2*pp),hat_r integer p_aic,hat_n,bb real*8 test_stat,fisher(2*pp,2*pp),fisher0(2*pp,2*pp),score1(2*pp),temp1,q1(2),temp2 iseed=time() CALL rnset(iseed) call drnnor((n+offset)*replication,innovation) distribution=1 ! 0 - uniform; 1 - two points distribution; 2 - normal ! inde=0 do repl=1,replication !******* start replication ******** !*** 1. Setting parameters psi0=0.1d0; phi0=0.0d0 error_index=0 !*** 2. Generate the sample e(1)=innovation((repl-1)*(n+offset)+1); x(1)=e(1); e(2)=innovation((repl-1)*(n+offset)+2)*sqrt(0.5d0+0.5d0*e(1)*e(1)) x(2)=e(2) do i=3,n+offset e(i)=innovation((repl-1)*(n+offset)+i)*sqrt(0.5d0+0.5d0*e(i-1)*e(i-1)) x(i)=psi0*x(i-1)+0.1d0*x(i-2)+e(i) if(x(i-1).le.0.0d0) x(i)=x(i)+phi0*(x(i-1)+x(i-2)) end do do i=1,n y(i)=x(i+offset) end do qprop=(/0.2d0,0.8d0/) CALL dEQTIL (n, y, 2, QPROP, Q, XLO, XHI, NMISS) ! percentiles !*** 3. Fit a AR(0) to AR(pp) models !*** Using AIC to select the order, denoted by p_aic do i=pp+1,n yy(i-pp)=y(i) do j=1,pp xx(i-pp,j)=y(i-j) end do end do aic=1.0d10 do i=1,10 call mlr(yy,n-pp,xx,pp,i,b,sst,sse) aic1=dble(n-pp)*log(sse/dble(n-pp))+2.0d0*dble(i) if( then p_aic=i like0=sse aic=aic1 end if end do !*** 4. Fit a threshold AR(p_aic) model do i=pp+1,n do j=1,pp xx1(i-pp,2*j)=xx(i-pp,j) end do end do like1=like0 do ii=1,n if((y(ii).lt.Q(2)).and.(y(ii).gt.Q(1))) then ! start "if" loop r=y(ii) do i=pp+1,n do j=1,pp temp=0.0d0 if(y(i-1).lt.r) temp=y(i-j) xx1(i-pp,2*j-1)=temp end do end do call mlr(yy,n-pp,xx1,2*pp,2*p_aic,b1,sst,sse) if( then like1=sse hat_r=r ! hat_n=ii end if end if ! end of "if" loop end do ! ii=1,n !*** 5. The test statistic test_stat=(like0-like1)/(like0/dble(n-pp)) !*** 6. Using bootstrap to approximate the critical values call mlr(yy,n-pp,xx,pp,p_aic,b,sst,sse) do i=pp+1,n temp=0.0d0; do j=1,p_aic temp=temp+b(j)*y(i-j) end do e(i)=y(i)-temp end do ! write(*,*)temp2 qprop=(/0.05d0,0.95d0/) CALL dEQTIL (n, y, 2, QPROP, Q1, XLO, XHI, NMISS) ! percentiles if((Q1(1).gt.Q(1)).or.(Q1(2).lt.Q(2))) then error_index=1 go to 555 end if i=time() call rnset(i) !***** choice of permutation disturb: uniform distribution if(distribution.eq.0) then call drnun(Bootstrap*n,dist) dist=dist-0.5 dist=2.0*sqrt(3.0)*dist end if !***** choice of the disturb : two points distribution if(distribution.eq.1) then call drnun(Bootstrap*n,dist) dist=dist-0.5 do i=1,Bootstrap*n if(dist(i).gt.0.0d0) then dist(i)=1.0d0 else dist(i)=-1.0d0 end if end do end if !***** choice of the disturb : standard normal distribution if(distribution.eq.2) then call drnnor(Bootstrap*n,dist) end if test_star=-10.0d0; do ii=1,n if((y(ii).lt.Q(2)).and.(y(ii).gt.Q(1))) then ! start "if" loop r=y(ii) fisher=0.0d0 do i=pp+1,n b1=0.0d0 do j=1,p_aic b1(j)=y(i-j) end do do j=p_aic+1,2*p_aic if(y(i-1).lt.r) b1(j)=y(i-j+p_aic) end do do j=1,2*p_aic do jj=1,2*p_aic fisher(j,jj)=fisher(j,jj)+b1(j)*b1(jj) end do end do end do ! end ii=pp+1,n call sub1(2*pp,fisher,p_aic,2*p_aic,fisher0) do BB=1,bootstrap ! start bootstrap loop do i=pp+1,n diss(i)=dist((BB-1)*n+i) end do score1=0.0d0 do i=pp+1,n do j=1,p_aic score1(j)=score1(j)+e(i)*y(i-j)*diss(i) end do do j=p_aic+1,2*p_aic if(y(i-1).lt.r) score1(j)=score1(j)+e(i)*y(i-j+p_aic)*diss(i) end do end do temp=0.0d0 do i=1,2*p_aic do j=1,2*p_aic temp=temp+score1(i)*fisher0(i,j)*score1(j) end do end do temp=temp/(like1/dble(n-pp)) if(test_star(BB).lt.temp) test_star(BB)=temp end do ! end bootstrap loop end if ! end "if" loop end do ! end ii=1,n count=0 do i=1,bootstrap if( count=count+1 end do 555 p_value(repl)=dble(count)/dble(bootstrap) inde(repl)=error_index write(*,*) repl,test_stat,p_value(repl),error_index test_s(repl)=test_stat !******* the end of replication ******** end do open(10,file='res.txt') do i=1,replication write(10,*) inde(i),p_value(i),test_s(i) end do close(10) end program aic_main subroutine mlr(y,n,x,p_max,p,bb,sst,sse) USE imsl IMPlICIT NONE integer n,p,p_max,intercept integer i,j real*8 y(n),x(n,p_max),xx(n,p) real*8 b(p),bb(p_max),sst,sse do i=1,n do j=1,p xx(i,j)=x(i,j) end do end do CALL dRLSE (n, y, p, xx, n, 0, B, SST, SSE) do i=1,p bb(i)=b(i) end do return end subroutine mlr subroutine sub1(n,a,n1,n2,ainv) !*** n2>n1 USE imsl IMPlICIT NONE integer n,i,j,n1,n2 real*8 a(n,n),a1(n1,n1),a2(n2,n2),ainv1(n1,n1),ainv2(n2,n2),ainv(n,n) do i=1,n1 do j=1,n1 a1(i,j)=a(i,j) end do end do do i=1,n2 do j=1,n2 a2(i,j)=a(i,j) end do end do CALL DLINDS (n1, A1, n1, AINV1, n1) CALL DLINDS (n2, A2, n2, AINV2, n2) do i=1,n1 do j=1,n1 ainv2(i,j)=ainv2(i,j)-ainv1(i,j) end do end do ainv=0.0d0 do i=1,n2 do j=1,n2 ainv(i,j)=ainv2(i,j) end do end do return end subroutine sub1 ! aic=dble(n-p_max)*log(sse/dble(n-p_max))+2.0d0*dble(p)+dble(n-p_max)*(1.0d0+log(6.283d0)) ! return