Some Recent Publications
- New: Testing nonlinearity of heavy-tailed time series. Journal of Applied Statistics, 2024. Data: danish-fire-insurance-losses.dat, ethernet-traffic-n3142.dat. Supplementary material. R-code. Doi:
- Estimating generalized additive conditional quantiles for absolutely regular processes (with Y. Cheng). arXiv2306.03674, 2023.
- On portmanteau-type tests for nonlinear multivariate time series. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2023, 195, 105157. (Matlab codes and data are available upon request). Doi:
- Penalized averaging of quantile forecasts from GARCH models with many exogenous predictors. Computational Economics, 2022. R-code (also available at ResearchGate). Doi: .
- Kernel-based hidden Markov conditional densities (with G.E. Henter and A. Yuan). Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2022, 169. Supplementary material (also available at ResearchGate) File 1 and File 2. Doi:
- The marginal distribution function of threshold-type processes with central symmetric innovations. Statistics, 2022, 56(1), 1-33. Supplementary material.(also available at ResearchGate). Doi:
- Asymmetric vector moving average models: Estimation and testing. Computational Statistics, 2021, 36(2), 1437-1460. Data (also available at ResearchGate) . Doi:
- A multi-step kernel-based regression estimator that adapts to error distributions of unknown form (with H. Reichardt). Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2021, 50(24), 6211-6230. Replication files: Data and R codes (also available at ResearchGate). Doi:
- Penalized averaging of parametric and non-parametric quantile forecasts (with D. Zerom). Journal of Time Series Econometrics, 2020, 12(1). Data (also available at ResearchGate). Doi:
- Semiparametric quantile averaging in the presence of high-dimensional predictors (with D. Zerom). International Journal of Forecasting, 2019, 35(3), 891-909. Supplementary material (also available at ResearchGate). Doi:
- Mean-variance and mean-semivariance portfolio selection: A multivariate nonparametric approach (with H. Ben Salah, A. Gannoun, and M. Ribatet). Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 2018, 32:4, 419-436. Data and R codes (also available at ResearchGate). Doi:
- Periodic autoregressive forecasting of global solar irradiation without knowledge-based model implementation (with C. Voyant and G. Notton). Solar Energy, 2018, 174, 121-129. Doi: Data (also available at ResearchGate).
- Non parametric portmanteau tests for detecting non linearities in high dimensions (with A. Yuan). Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2016, 45(2), 385-399. Doi:
- Asymptotically informative prior for Bayesian analysis (with A. Yuan), Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2014, 43(14), 3080-3094. Doi:
- Information flows around the globe: Predicting opening gaps from overnight foreign stock price patterns (with C.G.H. Diks and L.T. Gatarek), Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics, 2012, 41, 23-44. Doi:
- Simultaneity and asymmetry of returns and volatilities: The emerging Baltic states’ stock exchanges (with K. Brännäs, C Lönnbark., and A. Soultanaeva), Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2012, Vol. 16., Issue 1, Article 4. Doi:
- Kernel-smoothed conditional quantiles of correlated bivariate discrete data (with A. Yuan), Statistica Sinica, 2011, 21(4), 1611-1638. Doi:
- Some exact tests for manifest properties of latent trait models (with A. Yuan), Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2011, 55(1), 34-44. Doi:
- Efficient estimation of an additive quantile regression model (with Y. Cheng and D. Zerom), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2011, 38(1), 46-62. Doi:
- Bahadur representation for the nonparametric M-estimator under alpha-mixing dependence (with Y. Cheng), Statistics, 2009, 43(5), 443-462. Doi:
- Partial sums of lagged cross-products of AR residuals and a test for white noise, TEST, 2008, 17(3), 567-584. Doi:
- Parametric and nonparametric Granger causality testing: Linkages between international stock markets (with S. Sivarajasingham), Physica A, 387(11), 2008, 2547-2560. Doi:
- MDL mean function selection in semiparametric kernel regression models (with A. Yuan), Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2008, 37(14), 2237-2248. Doi:
- TR Multivariate conditional median estimation (with A. Gannoun), Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 2007, 36(1), 165-176. Doi:
- Semiparametric regression with kernel error model (with A. Yuan), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2007, 34(4), 841-869. Doi:
- On the uth geometric conditional quantile (with Y. Cheng), Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007, 137(6), 1914-1930. Doi:
- Power of the Neyman smooth test for evaluating multivariate forecast densities, Journal of Applied Statistics, 2007, 34(4), 371-382. Doi:
- Detecting change-points in multidimensional stochastic processes, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2006, 51(3), 1892-1903. Doi:
- 25 Years of time series forecasting (with R.J. Hyndman), International Journal of Forecasting, 2006, 22(3), 443-473. Doi:
- A multivariate quantile predictor (with A. Gannoun and D. Zerom), Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2006, 35(1), 133-147. Doi:
- Estimating threshold cointegrated systems (with A. Vidiella-i-Anguera), Economics Bulletin, 2005, 3, 1-7.
- Introduction to nonlinearities, business cycles and forecasting (with A. Garcia-Ferrer, P. Poncela, and E. Ruiz), International Journal of Forecasting, 2005, 21(4), 623-625. Doi:
- Asymmetries in conditional mean variance; modelling stock returns by asMA-asQGARCH (with K. Brännäs), Journal of Forecasting, 2004, 23, 155-171. Doi:
- Forecasting threshold cointegrated systems (with A. Vidiella-i-Anguera), International Journal of Forecasting, 2004, 20(2), 237-253. Doi:
- On additive conditional quantiles with high-dimensional covariates (with D. Zerom), Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2003, 98(461), 135-146. Doi:
- Modeling vector nonlinear time series using POLYMARS (with B.K. Ray). Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2003 42(1-2), 73-90. Doi:
- Nonlinear stochastic inflation modelling using SEASETARs (with A. Vidiella-i-Anguera), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2003, 32, 3-18. Doi:
- On conditional density estimation (with D. Zerom), Statistica Neerlandica, 2003, 57(2), 159-176. Doi: